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Tuesday 17 January 2023

How to cope up with Panic Attacks Naturally?

 How to cope up with Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks can strike without warning but it's important not to let them control your life.

What happens when you're having a panic attack?

It's a physiologic response, it's actually an evolutionary response to save our lives believe it or not. So, your heart rate increases, you get short of breath,you start to sweat, your muscles tense up,Blood goes to different places in your body so your G.I. system gets cramps and you get nauseous. That's an over reaction to a perceived threat, people become afraid of being afraid, so if you understand what causes the panic attack and you understand how to deal with it.

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What do Emma Stone, John Mayer and Amanda Seyfried all have in common?
They've all publicly admitted to suffering from panic attacks.
Obviously, there are medications that people will take if they're having a panic attack,but these are non-medicinal ways that you can potentially break the spell if you will of a panic attack,so lets talk about what people can do.

Listen guys,four million people suffer from panic attacks,and most people don't even report it.So, that number's probably so much higher than that and guess what you can add one name to your list and that's me, I have suffered from panic attacks.They're horrifying, they're incredibly scary. Sometimes those people who seem the most cool, calm, and collected and who are can still have panic attacks,and it's not anything to be ashamed of at all.Panic attacks are sudden and intense surges of fear or discomfort that can happen unexpectedly or in response to certain triggers. 

The exact causes of panic attacks are not fully understood, but there are several factors that may contribute to their development. These include:

  1. Genetics: Panic attacks may have a genetic component, as they tend to run in families.

  2. Neurotransmitter imbalances: Imbalances in brain chemicals, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, may contribute to the development of panic attacks.

  3. Trauma: Traumatic events, such as physical or sexual abuse, can trigger panic attacks.

  4. Anxiety disorders: Panic attacks are a symptom of several anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

  5. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as hyperthyroidism and heart disease, can cause symptoms similar to those experienced during a panic attack.

  6. Substance abuse: Substance abuse, particularly of drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, can trigger panic attacks.

  7. Stress: High levels of stress can contribute to the development of panic attacks.

It's worth noting that panic attacks can also occur without any obvious trigger. This is known as "spontaneous" or "uncued" panic attacks.


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At first, what we want to do is put the brakes i mean ? question marks, on the sympathetic nervous system that can basically, slows down all of those symptoms.The racing heart, the shortness of breath,the nausea, the shaky, the sweaty feeling,and we have ways to activate that vagus nerve and calm your body down without medications.

So, what is the next tip?
All right, this is literally,ground yourself, I mean it.I mean take off your shoes, get comfortable,put your feet on the ground, make sure you're in a safe place if you're driving, pull over for example.But if you're in your house or in your office,take your shoes off, put your feet on the ground,and at that point take slow deep breathes.Taking slow deep breathes activates that vagus nerve, that we were talking about.So, you're gonna take a deep breath in for five seconds, you're gonna hold for two and you're gonna go out for five.Just that act is gonna slow your heart rate down and that can break a panic attack in and of itself.

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Although anxiety can be daunting, but is important to realize that you can't control everything. You must avoid placing pressure on yourself to be perfect in everything you do. Additionally, try replacing negative thoughts with positive ones most importantly identify what triggers your anxiety and focus on tackling this issue.
Another helpful tip you can do is by writing in a journal when feeling anxious and then looking back on your journal entries to identify a pattern. 

How to cope up with Panic Attacks naturally?

Panic attacks can be very distressing and overwhelming, but there are natural ways to cope with them. Here are some strategies that may help:

  1. Practice deep breathing: Taking slow, deep breaths can help reduce the symptoms of a panic attack. Try inhaling for a count of four, holding your breath for a count of seven, and exhaling for a count of eight.

  2. Use grounding techniques: When you feel a panic attack coming on, try to ground yourself in the present moment by focusing on your surroundings. You can do this by naming the objects in the room, feeling the texture of something nearby, or reminding yourself of the current day and time.

  3. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and stress, which may help prevent panic attacks. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.

  4. Practice mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness meditation can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and reduce anxiety. Try practicing for a few minutes each day, focusing on your breath and letting your thoughts come and go without judgment.

  5. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can make you more susceptible to anxiety and panic attacks. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

  6. Avoid caffeine and alcohol: These substances can trigger panic attacks in some people, so it's best to avoid them or limit your intake.

  7. Talk to a therapist: A therapist can help you develop coping strategies and work through any underlying issues that may be contributing to your panic attacks.

Remember that everyone's experience with panic attacks is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. It may take some trial and error to find the strategies that work best for you. Don't hesitate to reach out for professional help if your panic attacks are interfering with your daily life.


There are some small lifestyle changes you can enforce to help cope with anxiety.These include: exercising daily, getting at least eight hours of sleep per night,eating a well-balanced meal three times a day, and limiting alcohol and caffeine.

 When you feel an attack coming on, one of the best  things you can do is kindly remind yourself that you are simply experiencing anxiety and that  you're in no real danger. The use of positive affirmations works wonders here such as: I'm  in control, all is safe in my world right now,I'm not dying and the deeper I breathe the more relaxed I feel. Consider giving your mind something to focus on other than fear.  Try using all of your senses. What can you see,  hear, taste, touch and smell. Continue noticing new things until you start feeling better.

Instead of avoiding places where you've had panic attacks in  the past, kindly remind yourself that you're safe and that nothing bad actually happened. And if  and when a panic attack strikes again with the  help of the steps previously mentioned you'll  be able to regain control.

Take control of your thoughts and remind yourself of the times you had overcome your anxiety. Although they're helpful, these tips are often not enough.Do not be afraid to seek professional help via psychiatrist, therapist, counselor and among other mental health professionals.




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