
Sunday 26 February 2023

How FAITH ON ALLAH ALMIGHTY regulates our Life:


 You know when we lost in or when we experienced tremendous loss in the life, and a lot of us even I, we shall notice that Muslims are even starting to ask why did this happen to us? why did we experience? People usually to become disillusion in their journey to Allah is when they stop trusting Allah. When they start feeling like things are out of control. He thinks that I did my repentance,I saw closeness to Allah but things are not going right and I'm starting to question whether or not my tawba was even accepted, my repentance was even accepted. I want to talk about tawakol in the capacity of the love of Allah. Allah mentions "in allahu yuhibbu al mutawakoleen" that 

Allah loves those that put their trust in him .


 Why does Allah loves those that put their trust in him what are the implications of that? Allah loves to be asked so putting your trust in him means that you are expressing your love for him. You are expressing your desire to be nourished and sustained by him. You're expressing.You know you don't
make dua'a unless there's a reason for you making that dua'a so when you put your trust in him, you are acknowledging his power you're acknowledging his attributes in the capacity. So Allah loves that you put your trust in him.

You must have the type of trust that a child has for the mother. 

 How a child goes to the mother when the mother inflicts reward or punishment because the child knows that there is no one that loves it more than the mother and no one that can offer it a greater sense of comfort than the mother. So even if the mother punishes the child, the child cries and flings their arms up in the air and goes back to the mother for comfort because the child trusts the love of the mother and that the mother has their best interest at heart.

When we are going through difficult times that's actually when Allah wants to see whether we believe or not that's actually when faith is truly shown. 

What your actual grade is? Are you content with a lot at that time so he says I, you know, I just want to know who truly believes and I want to see your faith in action. I want to see it put to the test. Another place he say:

 Allah will not leave you just comfortable the way you are. He won't give you a tough time until he can distinguish the filthy from the good and pure. Allah will not be telling you what's going on behind the scenes. He will not be telling you the real plan. Sometimes of our complaints in our questionings of a less plan just let yourself float. Let yourself be and you'll find yourself in peace and Allah will give you contentment in life that otherwise would never have come your way.

May Allah make us happy with his decree.

May Allah make us of those what Allah and who Allah is pleased with them.

May Allah make our difficulties easy for us and ,

May Allah not make any of our trials a reason for us to lose our faith in Him .

YOU MUST REMEMBER  THE 3 KEYS OF SUCESS IN LIFE ARE:  Sabr (Patience, Self-control) Shukr (Gratitude) Tawakkul (Trust in Allah).


Allah will see you through every difficulty and that every difficulty is meant for you to gain further perspective and to gain a greater closeness to Allah subhana wa ta'ala on that path to his love. Allah loves those who trust him. We ask Allah (swt) to make us amongst them. Aameen. Allah homa Aameen 

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